Penis enhancement pills are a popular product online. However, most pills don't actually improve your sex life, and can be dangerous. Most traditional herbal remedies only work as a placebo.
While some pills can make it a lot easier to get erections, there can be some dangerous side effects associated with the pills. There's better ways to improve your sex life - we've looked at some of the most popular options.
Penis Enhancement Surgery
A costly and potentially dangerous option. Penis surgery can either increase length or girth. However, the surgery is extremely expensive, usually starting about £5000. In many cases, results don't last, and dangerous side effects can ruin sex lives permanently.
Penis Extenders
Designed to apply constant pressure to the penis. Penis extenders can improve length, but are usually uncomfortable to use, and highly priced. Most of these devices have to be worn for several hours daily, taking up a lot of personal time.
The single best option for penis enhancement. By using a Hydromax hydropump from Bathmate, you'll quickly see improvements in a lot of areas. Increase your penis length and girth and last longer in bed with a harder erection. You'll also end up more sexually confident, and our pumps are certified safe to use.
Find your perfect hydropump today with our size calculator!